Наибольшее количество санкций против одного государства – 10 128, введены против Российской Федерации.
08 мая 2022 года
До этого по количеству санкционных мишеней лидировал Иран — 3616.
Следом идут Сирия (2608), КНДР (2077), Венесуэла (651), Мьянма (510) и Куба (208).
The most of the sanctions against one state are 10,128, imposed against the Russian Federation.
08 May 2022
During the first few days after the recognition of the independence of the DNR and LNR and the start of the operation in Ukraine, Russia became the leading country in terms of the number of sanctions imposed on it.
Before that, Iran was the leader in the number of sanctions – 3,616.
This is followed by Syria (2608), North Korea (2077), Venezuela (651), Myanmar (510) and Cuba (208).